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News » marathon

  • Lisa is interviewed about her life, achievements and philsophies on website

    Lisa Tamati

    Posted on July 17 2018

    Lisa is interviewed about her life, achievements and philsophies on website is a wonderful website that highlights the achievements of NZ women founded by Racquel Cleaver.

    "In this Lisa Tamati Ultra Athlete, Author, Entrepreneur, Motivational speaker, Jeweller shares her insights from a life spent pushing the limits of whats possible.

    We explore how she has overcome challenges and adversity to achieve her goals. Here the trailer." To watch the entire interview go to 

  • Strength Training for Runners - Sample Session to Follow Along To

    Lisa Tamati

    Posted on July 14 2018

    Strength Training  for Runners - Sample Session to Follow Along To

    Runners need to be strong. Strong in the core, strong in the hips, glutes, ankles. Have good posture and correct technique.

    Here Neil my coach and co-founder at Running Hot Coaching takes  a strength routine aimed specifically at runners.

    For more information about our processes and approach at Running Hot, our holistic training system based or about the 5 pillars programme, watch our masterclass on running at or visit our website

  • Epigenetic testing programme and the amazing results ultra Athlete Gus Benzie got

    Activatr Collaborator

    Posted on July 12 2018

    Epigenetic testing programme and the amazing results ultra Athlete Gus Benzie got
    Neil Wagstaff, Exercise Scientist from Running Hot coaching interviews our longstanding athlete Gus Benzie about her health, fitness and ultra marathon running journey and the difference understanding her Epigenetic profile has made for her results. The epigenetic express programme is a tool developed by hundreds of scientists over the past 20 years, in fact 15 science disciplines contributed to the making on this programme which dives deep in to the genetics of the client to help them discover just how their unique genes are expressing. Clients fill in a very intensive questionaire and the results help clients define such things as the best foods and lifestyle choices for you to be at your healthiest! What time of the day you should eat or train, exactly what foods will help your body, what type of exercise you are suited to, what time of day your hormones rebuild through your personality traits, strengths and weaknesses. It is literally the future of personalised health and gives us as coaches and as clients personalised knowledge that changes the way we live and the results we see. How does ph360 work? Your programme starts with a health test including measurments taken of your unique body and questions about your health history, genetic lineage, environment and lifestyle. Over 10,000 data points are captured during this process, and this data is then used to calculate your current state of health and corresponding health advice. Ever wondered why you don't get the results your neighbour when you do the same training programme, or why you put on weight with the same diet as another loses it on. The answers are in this platform. Your body changes from day to day. You lose weight or gain it, your hair or nails become brittle, you get pimples, they go away, you get flaky, you get oily – you are constantly changing. So why would your health plan stay the same? As you update your data in ph360 – like the condition of your hair, skin, where you live, your work, your travel, and the shape and measurements of your body – ph360 recalculates your recommendations. Always have access to the most current lifestyle and diet for your body! For more information please contact us at or email
  • Foam rolling exercises to loosen tight calves for runners .

    Lisa Tamati

    Posted on July 06 2018

    Foam rolling exercises to loosen tight calves for runners .

    Runners nearly always suffer from tight calves so here is what you can do about it.

    Lower calf and foot exercises using foam roller and massage balls to increase dorsiflexion and loosen muscles. For more great tips and advice check out 5 day free run training ecourse.


  • My Curated Podcast episode list from "Pushing the Limits" - On running, runners and running advice

    Lisa Tamati

    Posted on July 01 2018

    My Curated Podcast episode list from "Pushing the Limits" - On running, runners and running advice
    I have had the awesome privilege of doing my podcast show "Pushing the Limits for nearl...