Lisa Tamati is a Professional Ultra Endurance athlete with 25 years experience running the toughest endurance events in the world.
With over 140 ultra-marathons and over 70,000 km in training and events to her name, Lisa is constantly pushing the limits of human endurance.
Lisa has also penned two international best-selling running books, and is a sought after motivational speaker & health optimisation coach.
Lisa has also had to overcome many obstacles in her personal life from losing two babies to bringing her mum back to full health after an aneurysm left her with massive brain damage at the age of 74 and with Doctors telling her she would never have any quality of life again, she proved them all wrong and went on to write her third book "Relentless" chronicling this incredible comeback journey against all odds.
But that wasn't the end - her mum was then diagnosed with a an aggressive and terminal Cancer and was given just months to live at age 80.
Lisa fought to get her access to the very best doctors, researchers and information and discovered the metabolic approach to cancer which sent her on another deep dive into the research.
It took the team she put around her mum, alongside her own extensive research 12 weeks to get rid of the multiple tumours in her mum's brain and she then rehabilitated her back, once again, to full health for a second time in 7 years.
She continues to work with her mum every single day to keep her healthy and loving life and to keep aging at bay.
Her passion, drive, insatiable appetite for learning and varied life experiences make her a formidable force when it comes to helping people optimise their health, their performance or helping them fight when their backs are against the wall with a difficult health diagnosis.
Lisa has developed a world wide network of experts pushing the limits in science and research and shares their information through her globally acclaimed podcast of the same name "Pushing the Limits"
This collection of carefully curated longevity and anti-aging natural health supplements as well as biohacking technology devices, not to mention Lisa's 5 books provide her clients and customers with the best in anti-aging, longevity, high performance products and information.
Lisa has also produced a number of adventure film documentaries that you can view on her popular youtube channel, she has also hosted her own health and fitness TV show, is an international motivational speaker
Lisa is the owner & founder of Lisa Tamati Enterprises, focusing on Motivational Speaking, Health Optimisation Coaching, DNA and Epigenetic Testing programmes, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, and Longevity & Anti-Aging Supplementation.