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News » half marathon

  • Warm Up Routine For Runners - Follow Along

    Activatr Collaborator

    Posted on August 31 2018

    Warm Up Routine For Runners - Follow Along
    Exercise Scientist Neil Wagstaff and Pro Ultra Endurance Athlete Lisa Tamati, co-founders of Running Hot Coaching, the holistic online run training system, take you through a sample warm up routine before your run. Warming up is something often neglected by time strapped runners wanting to just collect more kilometres but you do so at your peril. A good warm up, opens up and activates the key muscle groups, gets the heart rate up before you shock it with the stress of running, helps you transition from work or sleep to training. Prepares you mentally and physically. A good warm up also decreases the perception of difficulty in the first part of a run. The first 20 minutes are notoriously hard when running but by doing a good warm up you avoid this and the perception of effort is decreased. So go easy on yourself and include a good warm up and of course cool down routine with EVERY run. For more information on our holistic run coaching system and why it's so different than any other plan out there go to or for information on Lisa Tamati, her running books, speaking engagements, her mindset academy or sports jewellery line go to
  • Lisa is interviewed about her life, achievements and philsophies on website

    Lisa Tamati

    Posted on July 17 2018

    Lisa is interviewed about her life, achievements and philsophies on website is a wonderful website that highlights the achievements of NZ women founded by Racquel Cleaver.

    "In this Lisa Tamati Ultra Athlete, Author, Entrepreneur, Motivational speaker, Jeweller shares her insights from a life spent pushing the limits of whats possible.

    We explore how she has overcome challenges and adversity to achieve her goals. Here the trailer." To watch the entire interview go to 

  • Run Specific Mobility Workout - Avoid injury, get full range of motion and speed up recovery

    Lisa Tamati

    Posted on June 23 2018

    Run Specific Mobility Workout - Avoid injury, get full range of motion and speed up recovery
    Having full range of motion in your joints, muscles that are strong and relaxed and flexible is crucial if you want to run strong. In this short run specific mobility workout, Exercise Scientist Neil Wagstaff & Ultra Endurance Athlete Lisa Tamati take you through a range of exercises that will help you improve your running form. For more or to learn all about how holistic run training system that will see you not only run stronger for longer but will also make sure you avoid injuries, not burnout and are healthy download our free ecourse